Lidia Cotovanu
Institutul de Istorie „Nicolae Iorga” al Academiei Române, Bucarest (ro)

Summary: The Library of the Orthodox Metropolitan See of Moldavia and Bucovina in Iaşi preserves over a thousand copies of old Greek books. There are only ten manuscripts in this collection, one of which was commissioned by Constantin Brâncoveanu, Prince of Wallachia. The collection consists mainly of Greek prints of various origins, some of which can be traced back to the library of the Princely Academy of Iași, succeeded by the Mihăileană Academy. Other volumes originate in the library of the Theological Seminary of Socola, founded by Veniamin Costachi Metropolitan of Moldavia, who donated his personal library to the Iași foundation. Several references come from the private collections of high hierarchs, while some books were collected from various Moldavian monasteries, especially from those who used to be metochia of the Greek Patriarchates and the great monasteries under their jurisdiction. This article evaluates the importance of the prints according to their dating, place of publication, owners, and contents (generally didactic books, but also polemical books of a religious nature). It also seeks to reconstruct the historical context of their circulation in Moldavia and the circumstances in which they came into the possession of the Metropolitan See of Moldavia and Bucovina. The analysis provided takes into account prosopographical investigations, the history of the Moldavian educational institutions, and the examination of the notes (mostly in Greek) on the prints.
Keywords:manuscripts; old prints; libraries; Modern History; Greek language.

Rezumat: Articolul aduce în atenția istoricilor de artă veche transilvăneană o serie de desene și acuarele reprezentând picturile murale ale bisericii „Sfântul Nicolae” din Bârsău, realizate în secolul al xix-lea. Dintre cele 15 planșe păstrate încă în registrele Muzeului Maghiar al Arhitecturii și Centrului Documentar pentru Protejarea Monumentelor de la Budapesta, una îi aparține lui Horváth Miklós, restul lui Szinte Gábor – ambii profesori de desen la Școala Superioară Regală Maghiară de Stat din Deva în perioada 1882-1886. Valoarea de neprețuit a acestor desene este efectul direct al degradărilor continue ale picturilor bisericii din Bârsău. Stadiul dezastruos de conservare din ziua de astăzi face ca cercetarea picturilor datate în a doua jumătate a secolului al xvi-lea să fie aproape imposibilă pornind de la realitatea in situ.
Cuvinte cheie:picturi murale; Transilvania; imagini de arhivă; documentare; secolul al xvi-lea.


ISSN: 2601-2200

Museikon journal is indexed in  CEEOL and EBSCO

©Published by the Museum of the Union in Alba Iulia, Romania