A Glimpse towards the Inside A dialogue with painter Constantin Cioc interviewed by Cristina BogdanUniversitatea din Bucureşti, Bucharest (ro) FULL ARTICLE
Codices and Codex Fragmentshost A Hungarian Workshop of Codicology and Medieval Literature Korondi ÁgnesMTA-OSzK Res Libraria Hungariae Kutatócsoport, Budapest (hu) FULL ARTICLE
The Christian Museum in Esztergom and its recently published online catalogue Sarkadi-Nagy EmeseKeresztény Múzeum, Esztergom (hu) FULL ARTICLE
Mălâncrav / Malmkrog (Laslea, Sibiu). La chiesa fortificata Rilievo Irina BaldescuSoprintendenza Belle Arti e Paesaggio per Venezia e Laguna, Venezia (it) FULL ARTICLE
The Icon Exhibition “Kissed again and again” Henrik von Achendirector at the Universitetsmuseet in Bergen (no) FULL ARTICLE